- Edit (TBD)
Pitch 1 - Make a move or two up face to a broken corner, around a few boulders and up a slab to the huge belay ledge. 5.5 80'
Pitch 2 - Make some easy well protected moves up to the left chimney, getting into the squeeze chimney is a bit awkward. Top the chimney and set a belay another 20'up. 5.7 90'
Pitch 3 - Climb some face trending slightly right to an easy hand crack. Top the hand crack, climb some face and set a belay. 5.6 150'
Pitch 4 - Climb another easy pitch to a ledge and set a belay at a bush. 5.4 80'
Descent: Bushwack left and scramble down and left to a pocketed chimney.
Squeeze of Lime is located on the right side of strawberry hill. Approach as per country quencher and under raps. SOL is located at the top of the ramp on the left, look for a broken corner. Use the standard descent for Strawberry Hill Buttress to the left by climbing down the pocketed chimney.
Standard rack. Two ropes for rappel.