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This is probably the BEST rap line. It can be done in 3 raps with a single 60M rope.
Rap 1 is short (70-80 ft). Rap 2 is essentially down the line of P2 of "Rock Candy" (P2 5.8-5.9) and Rap 2 ends on a wide, flat sandy ledge at the top of P1 of Sea of Green (aka Green Mile) (5.6-5.7) (ledge is shared with end of P1 of Rock Candy). These are two of the most popular climbs in the cliff, so be sure to call out "Rope !" when throwing, and be prepared to wait if someone is leading up. The last rap puts you on the climber's path along the base. Go to climber's right for Saber, climber's left for Bolt-in-the-Sky, Suzy Q, and the Bullit Area.
DIRECTIONS: When the hiking trail comes out of the woods at the top, look down and left for an obvious sandy path/patch. [Photo #1] Walk left to this, then walk 100 feet directly towards Mt Washington (the big Mtn in the distance with buildings and towers on top!)
After 100 ft STOP and look around. [Photo #2] You should see a flat area of rock stained black from run-off from the bushes about 25-30 ft in front of you and to your left. On the horizon (which is only 40-50 ft in front of you) there should be a small wind-swept pine tree beyond, and to the right of, the flat black area, then two much smaller pine trees further right, and then a bush.
Continue walking down and right-ish about 30-40 ft and a second bush will appear to the right of the first bush. [Photo #3] The top anchors are on the slab 5-6 ft right, and 5-6 ft above the base of this second bush. [Photo #5] You may have to actually go as far as the flat flake at Bush #2 to see the bolts themselves. Take Care! ...there's a drop off below!
I usually "gear up" and leave packs, boots etc. in the bushes just above the flat, black area.
The 3 rap stations are equipped with 3/8" SS double bolt anchors with rings.
Routes in Middle Sugarloaf / Main Face
- 15"Center Cliff Rap Line"Easy 5thTrad