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Catamount Corners
Catamount Corners, 2 pitches. P1: 5.10a/b PG. Climb directly to the second bolt or weave an easier line right, up, back left. step up to the corner, tiptoe to place gear as high as possible and make a committing move (crux) into the lieback corner. Exit the corner out right at the birch tree (**I may cut this tree out) to a ledge. smear up to and into the next beautiful finger crack in the beautiful corner. Pass a giant scary flake at the top to reach the big flat ledge and a 2-bolt anchor. P2: 5.9+. Climb the corners on the left above to the trees.
On the far right of the initial wall after the trail heads downhill a little, is an easier slab below obvious corner system above. It can be started from the bottom without protection or traversed into higher from the left out to the first bolt.
Bolt anchor at ledge. Tree at top.