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Hot Beef Injection
This straightforward overhang gives way to a palm-sweatin’ slab top out. Stand start in the middle of the overhanging face on the obvious shield feature. Left hand begins in a positive undercling, right hand on a flat side pull. Navigate some crimps to the jug lip. While at the jug, make your decision on whether or not to commit to the top out. Down climbing/dropping after mantling onto the slab is much harder than continuing to the top. From the jug rail, mantle to the large, obvious blob in the center of the slab. From here, multiple options are available, but all with the same goal of standing on top of the blob. With your position established on the blob, more holds are within reach out left and one last committing rock over guards the top. Have fun and be safe out there!
On the Overhanging side of the hot Beef Boulder
2 Hard Seltzers, and 3-5 pads